







Art Direction / Production / Story

Campari. The passionate red liqueur depicted in moody bars with expensive marble counters, fronted by young handsome George Clooney's being chased by dreamlike women in tight dresses and red lipstick. But what if it was put in a different context, can it still stay true to the Campari brand? What if that context is: an old man, sitting alone in his little red working-class house, thinking about his past and the love of his life.

It turns out that this context did stay true to the brand, because the film won the Campari Film Challenge and got featured in Stockholm Film Festival.


EMBedded Skills

Brand strategy / Brand identity / Art DIRECTION / Production / WEB Design

When all recruiting companies embodies the aesthetic which I call "crisp office porn". Where people dresses casual formal, have a mug in hand and point laughing at their screens. Their work seems to be just perfect, because it's obviously not staged... But believing in zigging when everyone is zagging, I set the course for Embedded Skills a little differently, fashioning a more natural brand.

So I made them to be more imperfectly perfect.



graphic design / BTS Photography

If a brand wants to be depicted as something natural, local and raw, like it was coming directly from the elements of the Nordics. Like the ice cold hillsides from the north, the proud pine trees in forests or along the rocky archipelago of the nordic sea. How do we say it without being obvious, how can we tell it between the lines. While making something truly inspirational.

Well the only thing we had to do, was to lift up the Nordic heritage of Brämhults.




The Nudient brand was about to launch their new case, a thicker and much juicier case, made with soft to the touch silicon and metal details. The product was unique to the market. So they wanted to convey the message: Dare to be bold. So who else to capture it better than Omar Rudberg, the young superstar seen in the Netflix series Young royals.

The art direction is existing in contrasts: Roughness and softness. Masculine and feminine. Saturation and desaturation. Embracing the ordinance: Opposites attract.

Creative "ShiT"

brand strategy/ Production

When a creative person finds themselves with nothing to do, they tend to come up with new things to create. Here is a collection of all the silly projects I've started those times I've been bored out of my mind.




Art Director


- Ideated and conceptualised brand transformations based on insight from extensive research,
- Directing and producing visual campaigns in line with new brand guidelines.
- Directed a diverse set of creators, overseeing all aspects of the creative development.
- Designed and integrated new wireframes and user journeys for clients.
- Managed multiple accounts at once at a 100% customer satisfaction.

May 2022 -.Currently

Junior Art Director & Creative Intern

Friends With Benefits Agency

- Worked to support the creative director on day to day tasks.
- Assisted in the development of campaign concepts and market strategies.
- Produced creators briefs, film treatments and social media strategies.
- Utilized Adobe suit to create diverse visual content for our clients.

August 2021 – May 2022

Creative & Strategic Lead

Pop Agency

- Identified clients needs in regards to the improvement of their social media.
- Conceptualised and pitched new social media strategies.
- Assessed best route of change through Social listening and Empathy mapping.
- Utilized Adobe suite to create final content for several clients.

June 2018 – May 2019


Business Developer Program

Hyper Island

- Planning and running business development projects to drive growth in a digital context.
- Branding, communications and marketing in different contexts.
- Procedures building effective teams, future proofing and using design thinking methodologies.

Aug 2020 – Dec 2021

Art Direction Course

Berghs School of Communication

- Art direction, advertising and storytelling through stills and films.
- Fundamentals in Digital and UX-design.
- Communication analysis and campaign planning.

Jan 2022 – May 2022

Strategic Communication & Marketing Courses

Stockholm University & Uppsala University

- Strategic communication and marketing in a B2B and B2C context.
- Copywriting and rhetorics in the Swedish language.
- Minor bachelor thesis in colour theory and how it affects consumer behavior.

Aug 2019 – June 2020


Campari Film Challenge Winner

At the same time being on my internship, I entered a competition to make a short film interpreting the Campari brand. I worked day at FWB agency, while working nights and weekend on the short film. In a rush the film was done, but the Jury liked the video. And got featured in Stockholm film festival, at Biograf Park.

Indiska Hackathon Grand Price Winner

As a student of Hyper Island I entered a 48-hour design sprint, competing against 50 international teams. The competition was arranged by the Swedish fashion brand Indiska. Our concept: A automated color identifying tool that enables users to discover their unique color palette.

SOS-Alarm Hackathon Grand Price Winner

Still a student of Hyper Island I entered my second design sprint. This one a national competition arranged by the public company SOS-alarm. Our concept: a AI conversational app to combat loneliness and mental health issues.



Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator

Davinci Resolve





